SECPA/SECOM Lighting Up the Office GREEN for Veterans in November

(La Junta, CO) -- We're totally green this month of November and we're doing it to honor Veterans.

The Green Light a Vet campaign is a National effort to show Vets we appreciate them. According to the campaign the color green is used because the greenlight is a term that means forward movement. Green is also the color of hope, renewal and well-being.

The ask is that we change a light in our home, office or a porch light to show we're supporting Veterans.

Here are some of the green lights around our office with the staff lighting them up.

Sandie Headrick's spotlight

Craig McBrain

Debbie Storey's lamp

Clay was happy to pose with his green light lamp

Anne Boswell's green light

We are encouraging you to go and buy a green light bulb and light up your home and office in green. Send photos to and we'll feature you on our social media page. Thank you for helping us support our Southeast Colorado Veterans.

Finally, here are some of our staff who have served.