"Thank You!" Cheraw Schools Host a Special Veterans Day Ceremony

(Cheraw, CO) -- Thank you wasn't enough for a small rural Colorado school district to express gratitude to their area Veterans.

With students packed into the stands student Kieran Harris welcomed the crowd at the Monday morning assembly. The Veterans to be honored were escorted into the gymnasium by the students themselves. Army Veterans were accompanied by the third grade while Marines had the fifth grade class escort them. The second grade was in charge of taking care that the Navy Vets had good company, the fourth grade brought in the Air Force while the middle school student council led the Space Force Veterans. Lastly, the kindergarten students marched into the ceremony waving tiny American flags to the tune of "Grand Ol' Flag."

The American Legion Post 9 had the presentation of colors duty and student Gabby Cunningham led the audience in the national anthem. Student Crislyn Miell introduced the Veterans. A special presentation was given by student Braeden Harris. Local vet and Crowley County resident Riley Buford was the guest speaker and a presentation of a new flag for the school was given by Dan Beebe. Student Jentry Matthew presented the retired flag and the American Legion Post 9 retired the colors. Jasiel Marquez played taps and everyone met at the flag pole to raise the new flag.

There are a few videos and photos that we snapped of the event and we thought you might like to see them.

Thank you for joining us in supporting our Southeast Colorado Veterans not only for Veterans day and the month of November but year round.


~Anne Boswell

